FLAG RAISING MAY 23rd / 2008


GROUP DIRECTOR: Astrid Hurtatis Espinosa
TOPIC: Making assertive decisions


Today's flag raising has been organized by 6B students. We want to honor those who have been remarkable for being “assertive decision – makers”, students that depend on themselves to know what is best for them


  1. Introduction read by Natalia Guerrero


Decisions, decisions, decisions. Everywhere you turn, there is another decision to be made. In fact decision or choice making is part of everyday life. If you are alive and conscious, then every day, month after month, year after year there are choices or decisions to be made.

Decisions are made about who to believe, about what to believe, about what we feel is right or wrong, about what experiences we want to have, about options we want to explore and about ways we want to be.

Struggling with these decisions, trying to figure out what the best decision is, help us to grow as a person, to mature in many ways. Making decisions is an ability and we have to learn how to improve it.

Students who deserve to raise the flag for being assertive decision makers.

Role-play “The Ant and The Grasshopper” performed by 6B students.
6B students will dramatize a role play activity which demonstrates an awareness of positive and negative decisions. We hope you enjoy it.

NARRATOR: One summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, carrying corn he was taking to the nest.

GRASSHOPPER: Why don't you come and chat with me, instead of working so hard?

ANT: I am helping to store up food for winter and I recommend you do the same. This winter will be very cold and you will regret it if you don't take advantage of this wonderful corn crop. Come and help me!

GRASSHOPPER: Why bother about winter if we have plenty of food now? Don't be silly, let's relax in the sun.

NARRATOR: The Ant went on its way. For next few days, the Ant continued working as hard as he could, trying to collect as much food as he could, while the Grasshopper and his friends were making fun of him.

GRASSHOPPER: How stupid you are!! Live in the present, do not worry about the future because it doesn't exist now!!!

NARRATOR: THE Ant didn't care about the Grasshopper's comments because he was totally sure he was making the best decision.

Finally the winter came. The Grasshopper had no food and found himself dying of hunger, while he saw the ants distributing corn and grain they had collected in the summer.


MORAL: You most think carefully about the decisions you make and their consequences in the future. If you do so, you won't have to regret it later.

Reflection: How to be an assertive decision maker? read by Jorge Torrijos.


There are constantly choices or decisions to be made; every day starting from the moment you wake up until when you finally fall asleep.

Here are some steps to successful decision making:

•  Define and clarify the problem. What decision needs to be made?

•  Identify the problems that you have to overcome in order to make the decision.

•  Come up with options.

•  Analyze the options. What are the consequences of each option? How will each choice affect you?

•  Choose an option. Which option feels best?

•  Justify the option. Why does that choice feel best?


If your decision worked…good for you!!! . If it didn't, try to evaluate other possibilities in order to make a succesful one.


If things don't work out as a result of your decision, think of what you will have learned.


Decisions are stepping stones toward more decisions.