FLAG RAISING MAY 30rd / 2008

GROUP DIRECTOR: Hernán Arevalo
Students that deserve to raise the flag for being autonomous and responsible.


Autonomy is the ability to control, face and make the right, personal decisions about how to live according to each person's own rules and preferences, as well as how to carry out all their daily activities. Now that we are finishing another school year, we invite you to think about every single academic of one's life, including academic and disciplinary ones. That strengthen one's character and personality.

It is important to keep a personal balance and establish honest commitments that will improve every aspect in our lives. What will be my best work plan for next year be? We invite you to be aware of our role as students in such an important school and strive to improve every year.

Now that we are about to start our vacation, it is important to take with us all the things we have learnt especially the ones about the appropriate behaviour in parties, with friends and with the different people we usually deal with.

Remember: “Your friend is the one that always stands by you.