September 14th, 2007

Good morning and welcome to our flag raising. You might be wondering why we decided to do our flag raising about how to Preserve the ozone layer, well … we do consider that everyone must be concern about since it is just our planet the one in danger. To start with we have to clarify that Ozone is a gas found in the stratosphere. It helps to protect life on the surface of the earth from dangerous ultra violet rays that can cause skin and other types of cancer. Gases produced by sprays and refrigeration liquid known as cloro-fluor carbonates (CFC) damage the OZONE layer. After this short introduction, let's continue with our programme .

On the 16 th of September, we will celebrate International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It is for this reason that we need to stop for a moment and think how important this day is and what is really means to us. One of the ways to help our planet is to make full use of our natural resources and in so doing will maintain and guarantee the natural balance of our universe. If we do this, this will help and enable future generations to make full use of these resources.


If we act now, we still have some time left to avoid the point of no return and to an imminent disaster. By starting now, we can allow our sons and their sons to continue living in our home, planet earth.


  1. Save energy by taking shorter showers.
  2. Use energy saving bulbs and only turn on those bulbs that are necessary.
  3. Use your vehicles only when necessary.
  4. Protect forests and water sources by avoiding littering and contamination in lakes, rivers and oceans.
  5. Use paper properly, for example, use both sides of the sheet.
  6. Recycle and promote good habits in the community.
  7. Use bio-degradable products that do not harm the Ozone Layer.


Our Planet Earth is dying and will continue to do so if we do not take the necessary action right now. Remember, do not forget that if you do your part, we will have a better home now and in the future.


What can you do to avoid this?  

After a very important meeting hold in April 2007, the international committee decided that we only have 43 years to fix and stop an environmental and climatic catastrophe that is approaching if we don't do anything to avoid it. They also said that every single inhabitant by the Equatorial line do to prevent and avoid it will be vital for our lives and our future generations. So no more protests that do not work because these actions and this advice really make a difference. Remember that even one ounce of action is worth more than a ton of theories.

Advice for reasonable use of

Water Energy Transport Paper


1 . Water Use it in a reasonable way.
•  Prevent unnecessary use of water with this advice: It's better to take a shower than to take a bath. You'll save more than 7000 liters of water a year!
•  Leave the shower on only when you need it to be, and turn it off while you are putting the soap on.
•  Don't leave the faucet running while you are brushing your teeth or shaving.
•  Do not clean your food with the kitchen faucet, use a bottle or container instead. Afterwards, you can take advantage of this water and water your plants with it.
•  Use the laundry cleaner and the dishwasher only when they are completely full.
•  Do not throw trash in the bathroom
•  Repair immediately all broken water pipes, 10 drops of water per minute mean 2000 liters of water wasted every year.
•  Re use the water that you use for your laundry washer, you can use this for your bathroom, to clean floors, to do cleaning in general.
•  Do not throw oils down the kitchen sink. Oil over water is very hard to eliminate.
•  Remember to plant at least one tree in your life.

2. Trash : More than half of it is recyclable. Why don't we recycle it to save it?

The 3 R law to recycle : RECYCLE, REDUCE the unnecessary and irresponsible use and RE USE all the goods.

•  When you re-use 100 kilograms of paper, you are saving at least 7 trees lives.
•  You should always use recycling paper and write on both sides of the sheet.
•  Don't waste napkins, tissues, or any other paper.
•  If you can choose, select glass bottles instead of plastic ones, Tretrapack or aluminum.
•  Remember that there are some companies that buy recycling material such as newspaper paper, old books, bottles, etc.

1.Energy: Don't use it unless that it is extremely necessary to do so.

•  Use hot water just when it is necessary and only for the necessary time. Plug on the heater only for two hours a day. But remember it is even healthier to take a cold shower.

•  Avoid ironing everything, the heater or washing machine use too much energy and reduce the resources that produce it. This usually leads countries to use petroleum, carbon or gas for their vehicles which promote the GLOBAL WARMING.

•  It is better to cook with a gas kitchenette than with an electric one.

•  Turn off all the electric appliances or machines that you are not using in that moment. Use low energy consuming bulbs, either at home or at work.

•  Don't use or buy PVC products, they contaminate a lot and they are not recycled.

1.Transport: Use your vehicle in a moderate way, use other means of transportation such as buses, new taxis, etc. and make sure they are not contaminating the environment.

•  Don't go alone in your car, it is better if you organize a group to go with you or use public transportation.

•  It is also a good idea to start using your bicycle, it doesn't contaminate and it is a good exercise for you.

•  Check your car periodically


•  Get use to use recycle paper.

•  Use both sides of the sheet.

•  Photocopy only when necessary.

•  Reuse envelopes, boxes, etc.

Queremos agradecer la colaboración de Miss Connie López, Miss Marina Larahondo, Miss Jennifer Williams, Miss Catalina Angel y el profesor Miguel Ángel en la realización de esta izada. Una mención especial a Andrés Mullen por su interés y compromiso con esta izada.