11B's flag raising


Good morning, 11 b's flag raising is dedicated to our little brothers and sisters from kindergarten. We would like to give them a warm welcome.

Each year the school receives a special group of children who represent a new generation. They are expected to be successful un their personal and professional lives.

We would like to invite them to make their best effort during their life at Saint George's .


A Portrait of things to come,

Years go by, and all that was once vast and threatening becomes familiar and welcoming. Once again, however, let us remember those myths that belong to childish songs and tales.

What can we promise to the generations before? You little happy few who sit still and noisily as we all once did. All I have to say is “Welcome”. Welcome to the finest blank page of your life. Welcome to this road that have all followed, leaving unfinished poems and tales for you to continue.

Let the spirits of ancient myths carry on, charming you with their eternal voices. Let your everlasting tales join ours someday. For you are welcome, and will be accompanied every step of the way.

Thank you.


José Fernández

Leido por : Lorena Garay